Thursday, September 23, 2010

An Ode To The Hellenics B Team

Unfortunately Posts By Panos has some sad news to pass on to our faithful readers as The Hellenics B Team has crashed out of the York Region Soccer playoffs. The team valiantly tried to beat the odds in their match-up against Maximum, another great team name, but were vanquished in penalty shots. The match report is available after the jump. Everyone please light a candle and wish the fallen comrades all the best.


Greeks bow out with dignity at the hands of the dreaded penalty shot
(#7) HELLENICS 0 - 0 (#2) MAXIMUM
(Maximum wins 4-3 on penalty kicks)

Red Card:

Manuel (X)
A.Seretis (O)
Kosmatos (O)
Fatsis (O)
Genesis (X)

Italy's Roberto Baggio is disconsolate after his penalty miss hands Brazil the 1994 World Cup
Above: Phil Genesis is left alone to contemplate what could have been after skying his penalty over the bar. His miss sent the Russians through to the semi’s while the Greeks fall short again.


It is the worst way to lose.

It has been debated for centuries that this is not the way a game should be decided. When two teams claw and battle their way through 90 minutes, it is a slap in the face to have something so important decided in such a manner that would closely resemble a coin toss.

The penalty shot.

In a quarter final game under the lights of Headwater, the Hellenics took to the field determined to set the record straight and see some form of success after falling late in the season and getting trounced last year. They wanted to win, in order to shake off the demons and prove to the league they could compete. And compete they did this night.

The game was a back and forth affair right from the opening whistle. The Russians coming hard and early as the your boys tried to get in the groove and find their bearings. They had chances, especially off of a couple of miscues on my part where i misread the ball (the one I’ve been complaining to FIFA for ages) and it bounced over my head almost setting guys free on breakaways. But the boys in the back had each others backs this night as Phil bailed me out each time sweeping like a champion. We had our chances too, as fluid ball movement saw a sweet cross to the back post chipped over the bar by a sliding Vouts.

Second half and the play continues to be up-tempo. Dennis is replaced by Torkos on the right mid and he makes his mark early, as his ball control is spot on tonight and his passes are crisp. But its his ball control and slick move in the middle that sees him one on one with the keeper and if it wasn’t for a tremendous stop by the Russian, Torkos would have been a hero and a folklore story that would have been for the ages as the ball deflected just wide of the post. Again the crowd holding their breath ready to explode, but unable to.

But things turn for the worse. A terrible foul on Spiro illicits no call from the ref leaving the Greeks seething with anger. Words are exchanged and in the moment the ref cards Vouts for dissention. A red nonetheless, and we are down a man for the last 30.

But when you play with heart like we do, then any battle can be won. The Russians had their opportunities but we always seemed to get their at the last minute to take them away by blocking shots and taking the ball away. Fatsis running hard alone up front trying to create opportunities while mid ping-ponged back and forth from defense to offense.

The final whistle blows.

This one is going to kicks.

We shoot first.

Byron….the keeper stones him.

They score

Andy picks the corner

They score

Dennis hammers one in.

They score.

Fatsis is clinical as he pots one.

For the love of god NS stop something!!!

They score.

Phil to keep us alive.

The ball is struck hard and well. Well into the night that is, as it soars over the crossbar a strikes some Asian on the tennis court behind the net.

The Russians surge forward in celebration, the Greeks sit exasperated with heads hung, and I’m on the way to the parking lot to slash Phil’s tires. The guy who had played so well not only tonight but every time he stepped on the field looked crushed, and I feel for him.

He deserved better.

Alas, our season ends this fateful night and the Hellenics are only left to wonder ‘what if’…..

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