Monday, September 27, 2010

Thoughts On TFC From Rohan Ricketts

I remember playing Football Manager in the early 2000s and with whatever team I was playing with I would always grab Rohan Ricketts on a cheap transfer. Able to play the wing, Ricketts was a fantastic addition to my computer simulated squad. Regardless, Rohan found himself as a member of Toronto FC in 2008 and I found myself watching a player, who I had purchased in a video game, play mere feet away from me at BMO Field. Over time it became evident that Rohan Ricketts was much more than just a football player, but also a cultured, intelligent voice that provided fans an inside look towards the business of football. After the jump, is a great read on Rohan's thoughts on the current situation at TFC with his own suggestions. Enjoy!

Taken from the blog, Rollin' With Ricketts at
In the wake of the departure of Mo Johnston and Preki from Toronto FC. I know many fans will be happy with the board’s decision. The real job they have on their hands now is filling the void with the right people and the right philosophy. Being such a big franchise with the potential to be the biggest in the MLS, there will be many coaches with Toronto on their minds. As a former Toronto FC player and a fan of the club, I am hoping that the powers that be, see the need for a football philosophy to be  implemented throughout the club. From the academy all the way to the first team. This will give them a good base for nurturing talent to play in a system which will be used prominently throughout the club. Barcelona and Arsenal’s player development models are perfect examples of this idea. Through this philosophy you can create an identity for the club and bring forth an entertaining brand of football. If the club could achieve this objective, I believe this would be a success which the fans would embrace. It’s not every year that a team is going to make the play offs but if you can bring entertainment to the fans regardless, I feel this would provide value for the money spent on season tickets and travel expenses. Football is an art that should be displayed beautifully. This leads me to the departure of Preki, I never met the man, but I know he came with a big reputation and high expectations. Unfortunately he did not last longer than a year. What was sad was the brand of football he brought to BMO field. This is what I call anti football. It can win you games but its not the most entertaining or expansive way of playing. I am sure you would rather see your team go out and attack with flair and ask questions of the other team. I don’t think the play on the pitch was a clear indication of Mo Johnston’s work, even though I thought his business practice with individuals he did not want to keep was completely and utterly ludicrous. That’s through personal dealings and dealings with many of the former and present players. As a player he had to suffer a lot of personal backlash and I think he has become severely ruthless as a result. His actions would leave a sour taste within the dressing room. Creating a tense working environment for no real reason. You have to feel you can trust your GM and that will bode well for the relationship between players and the powers that be. No trust equates to no harmony!! I respected him more for his mental strength, I did not understand some of his decisions, especially of late. The acquisition of Mista as a DP left me dumbfounded. First off lets clarify what the DP should be bringing to the table. Some say he should be known globally which will help sell merchandise and raise the awareness of the franchise and league. While making an impact on the field with goals and assists. First of all I don’t think there should be a DP slot any more as not one player makes the team. So to have the title of a DP brings unnecessary pressure. Take Julian De Guzman for example. Very talented player who has come under huge scrutiny because of his salary. I believe he is not understood as a player by most fans who have slated him. Playing in Spain is a whole different ball game where the value of possession, technique and tactical acumen is on another level. So to ask him to come and do what he has done over in La Liga is not so simple. It’s a different on field environment. We spoke once and I was shocked that he had come back to play in the MLS as he was peaking in his career in Europe. He has become a victim of his own success, because what he is brilliant at does not equate to a DP status in the eyes of the masses. Back in Spain he is valued for his quick passing and hustling. But you have to remember in Spain they make better angles to receive and keep the ball. It makes a big difference, I personally did not understand why they splashed so much money on him as you have a guy like Sam Cronin coming through who could have grew to be as good as Julian in the near future. If you are going to keep the DP slot then surely Dwayne De Rosario should be a DP !! That’s not even an argument. The guy has scored most of your goals since he has been at the club. He is a homegrown player with the club in his heart and he is respected throughout the league as a match winning player. What more does the guy have to do to be given what’s given to others just because they played in Europe. It’s sending out the wrong message to players who are doing well in the league. If the league want to move to another level, they need to allow the DP budget to be spent evenly throughout the squad, which would allow the coach, whoever that may be, to acquire more quantity of quality, rather than a big name surrounded by a team of workers. Then we would see a revolution unfold. Coming back to Toronto and the clubs search for a new coach and GM. I hope that they give the job to someone closer to home. Maybe Nick Dasovic, who is very well liked amongst the players. He knows his stuff and has he likes to play football. My brief spell working with him was very refreshing as he was modern and made training enjoyable and productive. Mind you, I do not feel what Toronto FC will display from now until the end of the season is any reflection of Nick Dasovic, neither in a good or bad way. Another name that I think should be thrown in the hat should be Carl Robinson. He knows the club well and has a good footballing acumen, which would be important when creating the philosophy for the club. Some may say, Robinson has no experience in management, to them I would reply, he has been a manager while playing at home and abroad, ask the players who have played with him and they will tell you. Secondly, Preki has just shown you that experience in management is not enough. Guardiola did not need experience to lead Barcelona to 5 trophies in one season. You need to acquire or develop good football players. Intelligent players with good technique. Barcelona have the blueprint for Toronto FC to follow. I would love Uncle Danny Dichio to have his say in who should be chosen along with Jimmy Brennan who are both important components to the clubs future. I hope this gives all you Toronto fans a different perspective on how the club should consider moving forward. The club needs to win get into the play offs but also bring some stability to the technical philosophy. I say give the job to Daso or Robinson and have Dichio working alongside them. Give them time to build a philosophy like Wenger has done at Arsenal. Produce talent so you don’t have to waste money on a suspect DP. Find your own gem, your own Fabregas or Walcott. No one can tell me the talent is not there as I have been across the country and have seen it first hand. Its time for the scouts to do what they do best. Love you Toronto see you soon Rohan Ricketts

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