Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The New CEO At Mansfield Town

Sometimes, perhaps once or twice a month, you read something on the internet that makes you go . . . . seriously, I could do that. Well here is one of those situations.

Mansfield Town make Carolyn Still youngest CEO in English football

(Credit to The Dirty Tackle)

Above is a picture of Mansfield Town' newest CEO, Carolyn Still. Mansfield Town are a Blue Square Premier side from the former mining town of Mansfield, well according to Wikipedia. So stuck in what equates to as England's fourth or fifth division Mansfield Town just had their 15 minutes of fame.

Regardless, Still becomes the youngest CEO for any professional football team in England, and with her deep rooted knowledge in the fashion industry, that's right the fashion industry, I am sure she will bring some new ideas to the club. Perhaps she can help design the new kit or plan the Christmas parties. Furthermore, I am sure that Ms. Still's ease on the eyes played no role in her garnering the position. 

With all that being said, any football fan has to be jealous of her, and think to themselves, seriously I could do that. Damn, maybe someday I will be posing seductively as the CEO of your football club.

Here is the official release from Mansfield Town:
A politics graduate from the University of Durham, Ms Still brings a wealth of experience to her new position developed through the fashion industry where she worked alongside the Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer in two of the world's largest luxury goods companies, Bulgari SpA and Gucci Group. 
Speaking to mansfieldtown.net, Ms Still said: "It's a great privilege for me to be offered the chance to lead this football club.
"I intend to add vibrancy and fresh ideas to our approach off the field. 
"Having attended numerous fundraising events, organised by the club's supporters groups, I am well aware of the passion and enthusiasm that the fans have to see the Stags succeed. 
"I want to wake sleeping fans with a lot of different initiatives by liaising with them and finding what they want.
"Much work has been done to develop relationships with key businesses in and around the area, and we must continue to work hard to ensure that our off-the-field commercial activity increases in an attempt to make the club self-sustainable.

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